聯誼 英文

(f) 平機會應鼓勵員工成立員工組織或安 排 聯誼 活 動 ,藉. 不少社團和私人機構紛紛取消聯誼活動,部份社團更將聯歡宴會經費撥充慈善用途。 located approximately 15kms from the airport and 1km from the railway station. 聯誼室 英文翻譯 : party room. 聯誼會[liányìhuì] sodality;social gathering;social club., 學習聯誼會發音, 聯誼會例句盡在websaru字典。.

聯誼 英文
台商秋節聯誼 蔡英文:維持兩岸和平決心沒有動搖 焦點 旺報

聯誼 英文. 聯誼會[liányìhuì] sodality;social gathering;social club., 學習聯誼會發音, 聯誼會例句盡在websaru字典。. To participate in other fraternal medical societies to establish communication networks. Chtoen.com 「聯誼」怎麼翻成英文?來中英物語學習英文!can you say 聯誼 in english? After each series of course, all kinds of trainee club activity will be. 參 與其 他聯誼醫 學 會,以建立溝通網絡。. 總之,meetup適合各種情況,是「聯誼」英文首選。 meet 和meet up(動詞)很像,如果你和好友說,「shall we meet tomorrow?」「shall we meet up tomorrow?」兩者無甚.

To Participate In Other Fraternal Medical Societies To Establish Communication Networks.

Fellowship was the norm, not the exception, at this convention. 聯誼室 英文翻譯 : party room. 總之,meetup適合各種情況,是「聯誼」英文首選。 meet 和meet up(動詞)很像,如果你和好友說,「shall we meet tomorrow?」「shall we meet up tomorrow?」兩者無甚.

聯誼會[Liányìhuì] Sodality;Social Gathering;Social Club., 學習聯誼會發音, 聯誼會例句盡在Websaru字典。.

(f) 平機會應鼓勵員工成立員工組織或安 排 聯誼 活 動 ,藉. 參 與其 他聯誼醫 學 會,以建立溝通網絡。. ”相親 ” 最簡單的說法是 have a blind date / go on a blind date.

Chtoen.com 「聯誼」怎麼翻成英文?來中英物語學習英文!Can You Say 聯誼 In English?

Sally went on a blind date last. 聯誼室英文 聯異丁基英文 聯誼會的英文翻譯 ,聯誼會英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯聯誼會,聯誼會的英文單字, 联谊会的英文 , 联谊会 meaning in english , 聯誼會怎麼讀 ,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 After each series of course, all kinds of trainee club activity will be.

聯誼會[Liányìhuì] Sodality;Social Gathering;Social Club., 學習聯誼會發音, 聯誼會例句盡在Websaru字典。.

不少社團和私人機構紛紛取消聯誼活動,部份社團更將聯歡宴會經費撥充慈善用途。 located approximately 15kms from the airport and 1km from the railway station.