隱私 英文
Usa.gov links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations as outlined in our linking policy. Private 2 (自私) selfish 3 (暗地裡; Current projects, for example, to. 無隱私 英文翻譯 : no privacy.
隱私 英文. “無隱私” 英文翻譯 : no privacy. 隐秘部位、私密部位、私密地帶、隐私部位、私處或下體(英语:intimate part,personal part,pubic area、private part或private zone;日语: プライベートゾーン ),指人体出于礼. Private matters one wants to hide. Privacy concerns often restrict the release of any identifying information on respondents. Current projects, for example, to. “侵犯, 蠶食” 英文翻譯 : encroach on.
在這篇文章中,Warren 與布蘭迪斯主張「不受干擾的權利」(Right To Be Let Alone) (亦有譯為 獨處權 ),許多論點對於後來的實務見解和學說,至今仍有很大的影響。.
Private matters one wants to hide. Current projects, for example, to. Private matters one wants to hide
“無隱私” 英文翻譯 : No Privacy.
Usa.gov links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations as outlined in our linking policy. 隐秘部位、私密部位、私密地帶、隐私部位、私處或下體(英语:intimate part,personal part,pubic area、private part或private zone;日语: プライベートゾーン ),指人体出于礼. 侵犯 英文翻譯 : encroach on;
因此這邊要帶你看另一種「重視」的英文說法 ─ ” Attach Importance To Something “,Attach 帶有「.
Private 2 (自私) selfish 3 (暗地裡; “侵犯, 蠶食” 英文翻譯 : encroach on. Privacy concerns often restrict the release of any identifying information on respondents.
隱私 的英文怎麼說 中文拼音 [Yǐnsī] 隱私 英文
If you click a link to an. 無隱私 英文翻譯 : no privacy. 【隱私】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:conceal隱藏,隱瞞,遮住;a nigger in the woodpile<;俚>;可疑的情況; 隱私; 使人掃興的事; 不可告人的目的;secret秘密,機.
Conceal Ⅱ形容詞1 (隱藏不露) Hidden From View;
本部所收集的個人資料受到1988年隱私 法 的 保護。 studyinaustralia.gov.au all personal information collected by the department is protected b y th e privacy a ct 1 98 8. 【個人隱私】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:individual privacy[法] 個人隱私;privacy of individual[法] 個人的私生活,個人隱私;。 漢英詞典提供【個人隱私】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法.