Burn 歌詞

Burn burn we can light it up, up, up so they can’t put it out, out, out. 劃起火柴,大聲播放著這首歌,把愛傳播到整個世界吧 we’ll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky 我們會高舉雙手,閃耀著整個天空 cause we got the fire, fire, fire, yeah we. People are sayin' the woman is damned, she makes you burn with a wave of her hand. 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 you watch me burn burn burn 支離破碎的世界 過去如幻燈片都是殘念 夜空下煙火明滅 未知的情節 我自己重寫 熊熊烈火 不畏縮 大步走 過.

burn 歌詞
Burn Out 歌詞 大包平(小野友樹),肥前忠広(小松昌平) ふりがな付 うたてん

burn 歌詞. Burn burn we can light it up, up, up so they can’t put it out, out, out. When the light’s turning down, they don’t know what they heard strike the match, play it loud, giving love. Burn lyrics [verse 1] we, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing 'cause we got the fire and we're burning one hell of a something they, they gonna see us from outer space, outer. 劃起火柴,大聲播放著這首歌,把愛傳播到整個世界吧 we’ll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky 我們會高舉雙手,閃耀著整個天空 cause we got the fire, fire, fire, yeah we. (yeah boom 着火! no matter what you are 天高く burn the fire just set on the 炎 just let it, it burn) 荒唐無稽な 上昇志向で 空中浮遊 いま time to time 一心不乱に 堅忍不抜. 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 you watch me burn burn burn 支離破碎的世界 過去如幻燈片都是殘念 夜空下煙火明滅 未知的情節 我自己重寫 熊熊烈火 不畏縮 大步走 過.

更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 You Watch Me Burn Burn Burn 支離破碎的世界 過去如幻燈片都是殘念 夜空下煙火明滅 未知的情節 我自己重寫 熊熊烈火 不畏縮 大步走 過.

Burn burn we can light it up, up, up so they can’t put it out, out, out. 時代の火蓋を切っていく 何度も (yeah boom 着火!no matter what you are 天高く burn the fire just set on the 炎 just let it, it burn) 荒唐無稽な 上昇志向で 空中浮遊 いま time to time 一心不. Burn the sky is red, i don't understand, past midnight i still see the land.

劃起火柴,大聲播放著這首歌,把愛傳播到整個世界吧 We’ll Be Raising Our Hands, Shining Up To The Sky 我們會高舉雙手,閃耀著整個天空 Cause We Got The Fire, Fire, Fire, Yeah We.

Burn lyrics [verse 1] we, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing 'cause we got the fire and we're burning one hell of a something they, they gonna see us from outer space, outer. Flowの「burn」歌詞ページです。作詞:kohshi asakawa,作曲:takeshi asakawa。テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア ザ クロス 挿入歌 (歌いだし)吹き荒れる風立ち止まる. The city's a blaze, the town's.

「Burn」歌詞 歌: The Yellow Monkey 作詞:吉井和哉 作曲:吉井和哉 赤く燃える孤独な道を 誰のものでもない 髪をなびかせ 道の先には蜃気楼 あの日を殺したくて閉じたパンドラ 悲.

People are sayin' the woman is damned, she makes you burn with a wave of her hand. (yeah boom 着火! no matter what you are 天高く burn the fire just set on the 炎 just let it, it burn) 荒唐無稽な 上昇志向で 空中浮遊 いま time to time 一心不乱に 堅忍不抜. When the light’s turning down, they don’t know what they heard strike the match, play it loud, giving love.

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