劑量 英文

British gallon (imperial gallon) bhp. 劑量分割用英文怎麼說 英語詞典收錄了最新的漢英詞典和英漢詞典,總共有200多萬個詞條,詞庫仍在不斷更新中。 ©2022 km查询 关于我们 Brake horse power (245.7 watts) bhr. This voluntary code addresses issues such as reduced pesticide use, water and energy conservation, waste reduction and recycling, controlling of erosion, the use of “ good bugs ” in.

劑量 英文
生物有效劑量(BED)概念在放射外科治療計劃中的作用 每日頭條

劑量 英文. British gallon (imperial gallon) bhp. This voluntary code addresses issues such as reduced pesticide use, water and energy conservation, waste reduction and recycling, controlling of erosion, the use of “ good bugs ” in. 「大劑量的純化維生素補充劑,包括抗氧化維生素和礦物質,需要小心使用」,一位發言人說。 「there is a need to exercise caution in the use of high doses of purified supplements of vitamins,. 【劑量】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:dosage(藥物等的)劑量; (通常指藥的)服法; 下藥,配藥;dosis劑量; 服藥量; 一次劑量; 一劑;dose劑量,藥量; (藥的)一服,一劑;. 劑量分割用英文怎麼說 英語詞典收錄了最新的漢英詞典和英漢詞典,總共有200多萬個詞條,詞庫仍在不斷更新中。 ©2022 km查询 关于我们 Brake horse power (245.7 watts) bhr.

劑量分割用英文怎麼說 英語詞典收錄了最新的漢英詞典和英漢詞典,總共有200多萬個詞條,詞庫仍在不斷更新中。 ©2022 Km查询 关于我们

British gallon (imperial gallon) bhp. 【劑量】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:dosage(藥物等的)劑量; (通常指藥的)服法; 下藥,配藥;dosis劑量; 服藥量; 一次劑量; 一劑;dose劑量,藥量; (藥的)一服,一劑;. Brake horse power (245.7 watts) bhr.

「大劑量的純化維生素補充劑,包括抗氧化維生素和礦物質,需要小心使用」,一位發言人說。 「There Is A Need To Exercise Caution In The Use Of High Doses Of Purified Supplements Of Vitamins,.

This voluntary code addresses issues such as reduced pesticide use, water and energy conservation, waste reduction and recycling, controlling of erosion, the use of “ good bugs ” in.

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