門框 英文

石膏板 gypsum board ;礦纖板 mineral fiber. 門框狀構架 例句 with a brief introduction of the organziation structure of hamburger hochbahn ag (hha), the author mainly analyzs the organizational framework of the division mass transit. 門框 door frame ;門楣 transom. 跳舞的房子(捷克語: tančící dům )是荷蘭國民人壽保險公司大樓的綽號,位於捷克共和國 布拉格鬧區。 由加拿大知名前衛建築師法蘭克·蓋瑞,與生於南斯拉夫的克羅埃西亞籍捷克建築師.

門框 英文
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門框 英文. She bumped her head in the doorway and swore loudly. See more of 中英物語 / 中翻英 / chinese to english classroom / chtoen on facebook 門框 door frame ;門楣 transom. She bumped her head in the doorway and swore loudly. See if the frame fits to the door, and if it does, then finish making it. Frame翻译:邊界, (圖畫、門、窗的)框,框架, 結構, (建築物、車輛或傢俱的)構架,支架,骨架, (桌球、撞球等運動中開球時使用的)三角框, 體格;骨架, 遊戲, (撞球等遊戲的)一局, 相.

She Bumped Her Head In The Doorway And Swore Loudly.

石膏板 gypsum board ;礦纖板 mineral fiber. 英文 詞彙 學術名詞 土木工程名詞 門扇及門樘 door and frame 引用網址: 門框狀構架 例句 with a brief introduction of the organziation structure of hamburger hochbahn ag (hha), the author mainly analyzs the organizational framework of the division mass transit.

Methods Installing The Wood Blocks Or Stakes With Toxicants In The Ground And.

跳舞的房子(捷克語: tančící dům )是荷蘭國民人壽保險公司大樓的綽號,位於捷克共和國 布拉格鬧區。 由加拿大知名前衛建築師法蘭克·蓋瑞,與生於南斯拉夫的克羅埃西亞籍捷克建築師. 這兒全是門框和石柱,有的石柱上面還架著石樑。 to achieve good results, try to locate breeding and hiding places of insects ( such as in dark spots, in corners of. Doorframe 例句 our main products include a series of flexible door, automation door, armor door, turnup door, bulletproof door, etc.

門框 Door Frame ;門楣 Transom.

這門與門框的尺寸不一致。 careful to make the doorjambs plumb. Frame翻译:邊界, (圖畫、門、窗的)框,框架, 結構, (建築物、車輛或傢俱的)構架,支架,骨架, (桌球、撞球等運動中開球時使用的)三角框, 體格;骨架, 遊戲, (撞球等遊戲的)一局, 相. See if the frame fits to the door, and if it does, then finish making it.

中文 英文 (縮寫) 相關詞彙 英文;

蓡考例句: the door is not true to the frame. We can provide different material to satisfy. See more of 中英物語 / 中翻英 / chinese to english classroom / chtoen on facebook

推文 評分 詞彙 建議 學術名詞 門框 Door-Frame 框門 Frame Door 門框 Door Frame 門框 Door Frame 門框 Door Frame.

連續供電系統 (cps) continuous power system: 馬桶 water closet ;小便斗 urinal. Definition from wiktionary, the free dictionary

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